The Pelican State

In case I haven't mentioned it before, I have an Awesome husband. That's right, awesome with a capital A.

So Awesome that he allowed me to once again whisk Sweet P away on a trip to visit my family. Destination? The Pelican State, otherwise known as Louisiana. (Don't worry, I had to look up the nickname too and I must say, it's a little silly.) Two of Sweet P's favorite people live in Louisiana (Auntie Kandida and her Godmother, Maria). And 2 of her other favorite people (Auntie Rosita and Gammie (we're testing the spelling of Gammy)) came to visit as well.

This was Sweet P's 3rd time to fly! She is quite the jet-setter! And she did great! I'm frowning as I type remembering all the people who passed by the 2 empty seats next to us just because Sweet P is a baby. We don't really mind it though, because then we get to sit next to people who reeeally want to sit by us. Grandmas!!!

On Saturday (in a tiger costume, Sweet P--not me), we went to watch Auntie Kandida swim her heart out against Tennessee. Sadly, the Lady Tigers did not win the meet; but Auntie K did great! I liked this trip because my arms got a rest from Sweet P's 20 lbs of sweetness. With all those Aunties and Gammie, I only held her when she was hungry! After the meet we tried to get a picture with Mike the Tiger, but he was sleeping (and who really wants to wake a live tiger?).

Monday afternoon we went to New Orleans to see Auntie M's house! And had yummy beignets in the French quarter. Yum!

As a seasoned traveler, Sweet P would like to leave you with a few tips. When traveling with an infant (and by yourself), bring as little as possible. This makes it easy to go to restroom, leave the plane, walk around, etc. in the airport/airplane.

I take a diaper bag (with plenty of diapers), a few toys, my wallet, cell phone and a sling for Sweet P. And the tiny changing station in the tiny airplane bathrooms really aren't that bad. I'd say only use them in emergency (poop) situations. Unfortunately, the air pressure does something to Sweet P so we've used them twice.

We had a great time with the Aunties and Gammie, but we were both ready to get home to see that Awesome daddy/husband of ours. Click on over to the Farmer's blog to see what he was up to while we were gone.