Join Us for Screen Free Week!

I know I just got back from my Lenten resolution, but I think some Screen-Free time is necessary after our 2 week vacation to Texas. I talked the Farmer into joining me to an extent (since his semester is winding down and he really needs email access for his students), but we've agreed that there will be no Screen-time during family waking hours.

We don't have cable and our TV is in the basement so Sweet P doesn't watch much TV anyway...the occasional movie or video on YouTube here and there. The Farmer and I watch a few shows on HULU, but those can wait for next week. Screen-Free week is more for me than it is for my kiddos at this point. I still have some projects I intended to do during Lent that need to get tackled during naptime.

This week, I'm not even going to check my email! I'll even be limiting texting and phone time (heads up to Auntie Rosita, Auntie Kannon and Gammie!) so that I am present for my kids as much as possible.

Want to join us? Go for it! You don't have to do anything special, except turn off the TV, the computer, smart phone capabilities, whatever you choose. The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood suggests spending more time reading, playing outside, exploring and spending time with family and friends.

What will we be doing?
  • Playing pretend
  • Riding a bike
  • Visiting the library
  • Going on a family walk
  • Planting a garden
  • Going to the Tulip Festival!
  • Making a craft
  • Building a fort
  • Going on a scavenger hunt
  • Building with blocks
  • Writing a story
  • Trying a new food
  • Having a picnic
  • Going to the zoo
  • Having a Cinco de Mayo party!
  • Visiting a new park!
  • Date night!
  • Drawing with chalk
  • Playing with something new
  • Playing with water balloons
  • Going for a run as a family
  • Celebrating Sweet P's birthday (again!)!
What will you do?