Supposed to be...

I'm supposed to be working. Or at least working on something. Like vacuuming, or washing the bedspread, or cleaning the bathrooms. But instead, while my baby sleeps, I am surfing the net. I think that is a funny saying "surfing the net." And while I am usually remorseful for having filled my day with the internet rather than cleaning my house or doing something else productive while the baby sleeps, today I am not.

Today I got to see a beautiful face. One that I could have only seen via the internet because that is the only way I know Stephanie Clark Nielson. If you are unfamiliar with Nie Nie and her story, you can read it here: Her story is both sad and beautiful. She is a strong, brave woman with a beautiful spirit and a light that shines so bright. Reading her blog makes me want to be a better mom, a better woman, a better human. She has made a difference in so many lives just by being. If you haven't read her blog, I encourage you to. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you fall in love with her and her family.