Clockwise from top left: flattened dried bananas cut into stars, avocado squares, hummus (no shape unless blob counts), pita triangles, orange circles and celery crescents. And the little turkey gobbled it all up.
Muffin Tin Monday
We haven't done Muffin Tin Monday in a while because Sweet P was sick and pretty picky. But I decided we'd give it a go since she started eating better once we got home. Her new love? Hummus (is she her mother's daughter or what!?). She loves it (and loves to say it too). Once I tell her that's what she's having, I hear a little voice saying "hummus. hummus. hummus." until I put it in front of her. I wasn't sure what the theme was this week and was too lazy to look when I was fixing her lunch so I decided to go with shapes (loosely). Turns out the theme was liners and cups (which I sadly didn't use).