Tot School: Week 9

Sweet P is 20.5 months old

We tried to get back into the swing of things this week. But things get a little crazy when daddy's still home from work (the joys of working at a college!).

I tried to set out just a few things for her to work with this week since she'd been overwhelmed with toys and such during our vacation. We'd play with those things first and then move on to something else if she still wanted to play downstairs. We also worked on putting something away before we got something else out. She seems to understand this pretty well, but needs to be reminded each time. Her defaults in the basement are 2 books she got for Christmas. They'll be listed at the bottom (because we read them several times this week!).

I bought cookie sheets at Dollar Tree awhile back to use at tot trays. Here's what I put on them this week:
Dry-erase markers and magnets for her easel, My Little Word Book and fruit flashcards I made out of scrapbook paper and fruit from File Folder Fun.

She loves her new easel and had a lot of fun coloring with the dry erase markers. We played several color games with them.
I set out the magnets and let her put them all over the board. Later in the week (no picture), I'd hand her one magnet at a time and tell her the letter or number and she'd put it on the board. When I started doubling them up, she'd find the letter or number like it on the board and put it next to it!
Gammie got Sweet P this cute Bear Dress Up Puzzle for Christmas. The faces have different emotions on them (sad, happy, angry, surprised, sleepy and sick). She really likes this puzzle and the Happy face. I tried setting them in front of her and asking her which one was "happy?" "surprised?" "sick?", but so far she only does happy and sleepy (because anything/one with their eyes closed is "night night").
Fruit Flashcards: She really liked this game. When she first started she went really fast and just put them anywhere so I told her to look at the picture on the card and she got the hang of it. We tried a few variations, but she liked the matching best.
$2 tunnel from Ikea!
Auntie K got Sweet P the coolest book called Round and Round the Jungle (the book we have has a different cover, she got it at Barnes and Noble in the Bargain Books section). It has puzzle pieces that you pull out to make a track for a little toy tiger. It is SO neat. I think I like it just as much as she does! It teaches her so many things at once and she loves that little tiger. When she's ready to put him away she says "night night."

Nana got her a book called Whose Back is Bumpy? with pieces you can pull out that have textured bodies. This book can also go in the bathtub! She really likes the rhino and snake.
We finally played with her felt car mat! She's not quite sure what to do with it, yet. She played with her cars for a few seconds, then wrapped herself up in it like a blanket!

Auntie Kannon also got Sweet P the Melissa & Doug band set. We left the cymbals in Dallas and Gammie just mailed them to us this week so Sweet P went to town. It gets cold in the basement (hence the hat and blanket!).

Snowflake Matching: I printed this from 1+1+1=1's Winter Tot Book. I printed 2 sheets, laminated both, left 1 whole and cut the other into snowflakes. This one was tough for her at first, but after a few tries she got going. After we finished, we made it snow with the snowflake pieces (she now wants it to "noooo!" with all sorts of toys).
Vegetable flashcards: Later in the week I cut/laminated vegetable flashcards like the fruit flashcards from File Folder Fun. This was a great activity to introduce her to other veggies that we don't eat much of like artichokes and radishes. I think these and the fruit will be great for teaching her about healthy foods (the Farmer said we need to make pictures of junk food to teach her the difference, ha).
That was our week last week. This week we are working on the Letter A. See what other tot moms are doing at 1+1+1=1.