La La La La Love

We have a CD that has Barenaked Ladies singing a song about L-words. The word LOVE isn't in it. It should be.

I LOVE Sweet P with all of my being. Every inch of her from her chubby tummy to her chubby little toes. But there are some things she does that I love so much that I just want to squeeze her and never let go when they happen.

I love:
*when I walk upstairs to her room in the morning and instead of crying she has a big smile on her face
*when she splashes so much in the bath, water goes everywhere and surprises her
*when she snuggles on my shoulder (oh, swoon)
*the way her hands always smell like graham crackers (even though she's never had one)
*when we fall asleep together
*when she says MAMA! and she's looking right at me
*when I show her a banana and she flaps her arms up and down saying "nanananana" (no food gets a response like a banana)
*when she tries to tickle someone (so funny)
*that adorable little scrunched nose smile
*the way she walks
*her open mouthed kisses
*how happy she gets when daddy gets home
*watching her eat (it's pure entertainment)
*her love for animals
*her sweet little voice