I'm on my 13th book of the year (I've mentioned before that I'm a bona fide book nerd) so I felt like it was time for some book recommendations for ya. Same as in the past some aren't worth mentioning...so I won't. I'll just mention the good stuff (the ones you just can't put down even though it's 1am and the baby's going to wake up any minute).

The Restorer: The Sword of Lyric Series #1 ,The Restorer's Son (book #2) and The Restorer's Journey (#3): A trilogy about a mom wanting to grow closer to God who finds herself in another world. A world whose faith in God is astounding and a world where she's been sent by God to embark on a spiritual journey. I don't want to ruin anything, but you'll want to read 2 and 3 after reading the 1st one!

The Heart Mender: Based on true events, this book is an easy read full of history and a beautiful story about forgiveness and 2nd chances.
Still Alice by Lisa Genova: This book was heart-wrenching. Lots of tears involved, but such a good book about a 50 year old women who discovers she has Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease.
The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck: Definitely don't have to be in the Christmas spirit to read this book. A compelling book about forgiveness, the power of God and learning that God is MORE than enough. Based on true events.
The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific by J Maarten Troost: I know I'm going to regret writing that title in my blog, but the title really has nothing to do with the book. It's a hilarious book about the author's experience in Tarawa, a South Pacific island in the middle of absolute nowhere. Reading about the lives of those living on an atoll was so interesting and intriguing!

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford: I'm at the end of this one (it's number 13), but I can already tell you that it is such a good read. The history alone is fascinating and horrible at the same time.
I also reread The Hunger Games so I could refresh my memory before the movie comes out and it was just as good as the first time. If you haven't read it, then you should!
How do I have time to read? Well, I make time for it because it's something that I love. Sometimes I hole up in the bathroom in a bath and read until the water gets cold, or I stay up late to read. But by far the best way to read is while nursing the baby both at night and during the day. It's also something I want my children to see me doing so they know it's something you should do on a regular (every day) basis.