Sweet P is 34.5 months old
Sweet P did several rainbow activities to celebrate St. Patrick's Day last week in addition to a few green activities she did the week before.
Bible verse: Happy are the kind and merciful. -Matthew 5:7
Cut and paste a rainbow: I gave Sweet P some colored paper, scissors, a paintbrush and glue in a small bowl while I was making dinner one night and asked, "Can you make a rainbow?" I think it turned out pretty neat (and yes, I know pink isn't part of ROYGBIV, but the kid loves pink). Here's what she did:
Pompon sorting:
Dotting a rainbow: Sometimes I don't want to take the time to make something in word so I just draw it for Sweet P. I made this rainbow by tracing a curved edge of a bowl and then wrote the colors out in the corresponding color of marker. Our trays are laid out on the floor against a wall in our school room and one morning I ran upstairs to use the restroom after we did our calendar time. When I came back down Sweet P had picked up this tray and was already dotting with the violet dot marker in the violet portion. I was shocked that she knew exactly what to do! It was a pretty neat moment and I definitely realized what an independent girl we have. We hung it up, but brought it back down for another activity later in the week.
Pompon sorting on the rainbow: I helped her out a bit with this activity by holding pompons in place because the paper has rolled a bit after the dot markers dried so it was tough to get the pompons to stay in one place while putting on more.
Color a rainbow: This printable is from Making Learning Fun and similar to the dotting a rainbow activity. I don't have a picture of the finished product, but she also picked out star and smiley face stickers that corresponded with each color and added those as well.
Rainbow Sticker Match: Sweet P matched smiley face stickers to the corresponding color on the rainbow. There were a LOT of red dots to fill with stickers so we started pretending that each smiley face was someone we knew. This printable is also from Making Learning Fun.
Rainbow tile sorting: These are coasters that I've had for quite awhile and when I looked at them the other day I thought they'd be perfect for a rainbow activity. She lined them up according to ROYGBIV and then placed them back in their container several times. Planning to use these for other color sorting activities now that I've realized their dual purpose!
Pipe Cleaner Rainbow: I was washing out a mushroom container one morning and realized it was the perfect consistency for pipe cleaners. I cut pipe cleaners into smaller pieces (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) and made a cloud out of a white one. I demonstrated how to stick the pieces in the styrofoam for Sweet P and she went to work. She really enjoyed this and did it several times, arranging the pipe cleaners around the edge and then placing them back in a row.
Check out our St. Patrick's Day sensory bin, our Shamrock craft, our leprechaun on a stick and leprechaun furniture.
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